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(Subject to change)


(subject to change) 


Saturday, June 21 at Clemens Crossing Pool

4:00 PM - Athlete Check-In & Registration Opens

5:00 PM - Pre-Race Course Talk

5:30 PM - FREE Transition Clinic 

6:00 PM - Athlete Check-In & Registration Closes

Sunday, June 22 at Clemens Crossing Pool

6:15 AM - Transition Area Opens, Bike Racking, Body Marking, Athlete Check-In

7:30 AM - Athletes report to the pool deck

7:45 AM - Transition Area  Closes, Athlete Check-In closes

8:00 AM – Race Start

Race Start (see additional information under Swim Course located further down web page)

All participants need to be on the pool deck at 7:45 AM. At this time, race management will provide race instruction and begin to line up swimmers for the swim start. This race will use a time trail start (participants will start one person at a time). The swim will be self-seed based on your individual 100-yard pool swim time. The Sprint distance participants will be lined up first. Super Sprint participants will be lined up and start after all of the Sprint participants complete the swim portion of the race.


Race Venue

Clemens Crossing Pool, 6400 Martin Rd, Columbia, MD 21044 


Athlete Check-in (subject to change)

  • Saturday, June 21 at Clemens Crossing Pool (grassy field) - 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

  • Sunday, June 22 at Clemens Crossing Pool (grassy field) - 6:30 AM to 7:45 AM

​All registered entrants MUST attend athlete check-in person. Per USAT rules, each participant MUST pick up his/her own packet. If you do not check in during the designated check-in times in person, you will not be able to participate in the event. All participants, (18 and older) must bring at photo I.D. to packet pickup.

Pre-race Course Talk

The Pre-Race Course talk will cover important information about the race and include a question and answer segment. If you are a first timer, attending the pre-race course talk is recommended.

  • Saturday, June 21 at Clemens Crossing Pool (grassy field) at 5:00 PM


Transition Clinic

A FREE transition clinic will be held on Saturday June 21 in the transition area at the race venue from 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM. There is no sign up for this. Simply show up and learn best practices for transiting from swim to bike and bike to run. The transition clinic is open to all registered participants. This clinic is recommended for first time participants. 



A unique wristband will be given to participants at athlete check-in. Participants must wear this wrist band at all times on race day. This wristband must remain on until you have removed your bike from transition after the race. This band will identify you as an official participant and allows you access to the transition area. You will not be allowed into the transition area without this band in place.


Bike Adhesive Number

At athlete check-in, you will be given an adhesive bike number. Your bike must have an adhesive number on to rack on race morning.



Athletes must wear their ankle chip at all times during this event. Should you forget your timing chip or loose it during the race, please let race management know so that we can give you another timing chip. Participants will pick up their timing chip ON RACE MORNING at the timing chip tent (located at athlete check in). 


Race Bibs

Participants must wear their race bib on the run course at all times. Athletes can either pin their race bib to their shirt or wear it attached to a race belt. Athletes are required to wear their bib on their front side when going in and out of transition and crossing the finish line.



Parking on race day will be alongside of Martin Road opposite the field at Clemens Crossing Pool and at Clemens Cross Elementary School. Parking is limited so please car pool if possible. Use gps address for venue on race morning- 6400 Martin Rd, Columbia, MD 21044. Additional/overflow parking will be at the Atholton Adventist Academy parking lot across the street from the transition area. 

Body Marking

Body marking will take place at the timing chip pick up tent, 6:15 AM - 7:45 AM. It is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure that volunteers mark their age as of December 31, 2025, which corresponds to the age division in which the athlete will compete. Please do not apply sunscreen, oil, Vaseline or lotion until AFTER you have been body marked.

Transition Area

The transition area will open at 6:15 AM on race day. The transition area is for ATHLETES ONLY. The transition area will have volunteers to help athletes with their bike/gear. Family and friends must remain outside of the transition area (outside of mesh fencing) before, during and after the race. This is a FIRM USA Triathlon rule. If you would like to be inside the transition area during the race, please consider volunteering.

Race Bike Racking & Transition Area Protocol  

All bikes will be racked on race day only. To enter the transition area, athletes must wear the security wristband received at athlete check-in. The transition area is RESTRICTED TO ATHLETES ONLY**.


How To Properly Rack Your Bike: *

Find the sticker number on the transition rack that matches your bib number. Hang the seat of your bike from the transition rack in with your front wheel facing away from your sticker on the rack. Place personal items on the ground next to your front wheel. There are NO balloons, inflatable’s or personal markers permitted. Remember your number and rack location.


*Per USAT rules, all equipment must be placed in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. No person shall interfere with another participant’s equipment or impede the progress of another participant. All bar ends must be solidly plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass containers into the transition area. All personal trash is to be removed and disposed of by each athlete. Please do not litter.




This race is sanctioned by USA Triathlon. All competitive rules apply. To view an overview of race rules, click HERE. For a list of commonly violated rules, click HERE. This overview includes info about wetsuits and drafting on the bike course

Aid Stations

There are no aid stations on the bike course. There is one aid station on the run course at mile 0.36. Super Sprint participants will pass through this aid station once. Sprint participants will pass through this aid station twice. This aid station will have water and Gatorade only. 

Swim Course

This race will use a time trail start (participants will start one person at a time). The swim will be self-seed based on your individual 100-yard pool swim time. The Sprint distance participants will be lined up first. Super Sprint participants will be lined up and start after all of the Sprint participants complete the swim portion of the race.


How to determine your 100 yard time

Time yourself swimming one length of a pool at 60% effort. Multiply this time by 4. This is your 100-yard time. Example: Mary swims one length of the pool in 45 seconds. It will take her 180 seconds to complete 4 lengths of the pool. Her 100-yard time is 3 minutes. Please know your time for race morning.


Sprint Distance

Athletes will enter the pool feet first and will swim down and back in one lane before touching the wall and going underneath the lane rope to start your next down and back. Flip turns will not be permitted and will result in a :30 second penalty. See image below.


Required Distance: Sprint - 400 yard (16 pool lengths – see diagram below)

To view the Sprint swim course map, click HERE.


Super Sprint Distance

Athletes will enter the pool feet first and will swim down the lane and will go underneath the lane rope to start your next length swim. Flip turns will not be permitted and will result in a :30 second penalty. See image below.


Required Distance: Sprint - Super Sprint - 200 yard (8 pool lengths – see diagram below)

To view the Super Sprint swim course map, click HERE.

Wet Suit Policy

Wet suits are not permitted for this race.

​Bike Course  

The bike course is rolling on well-maintained roads. The route is marked with PINK color duct tape arrows on the ground, signage, and there will be volunteer and police support at every turn. Please familiarize yourself with the route, as it is the athlete’s ultimate responsibility to know the course. There are no water stations on the bike course. To view the bike course map, click HERE.


Sprint Distance - two loops (10 miles)

Super Sprint Distance - one loops (5 miles)

The bike course is open to vehicle traffic during the race. All competitors are required to follow the prescribed course. Cutting the course is an obvious violation and going outside the course is a safety issue. Cyclists shall not cross a solid yellow center road line for ANY reason. Cyclists must obey all applicable traffic laws/officers at all times.


USA Triathlon rules are in effect including Article V - Cycling Conduct.


  • Athletes must remember to wear a bike helmet number on the front of their helmet.

  • Athletes must have a bike frame number fixed to their bike and visible from the left side.

  • Only helmets approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) may be used, and helmets must be worn at all times while on your bike before, during and after the event. Violation will result in disqualification.

  • Chin straps must be buckled at all times when on your bike. DO NOT unbuckle your chip strap unless you are off your bicycle. Violation while on the course will result in disqualification.

  • DO NOT LITTER! Any item that needs to be discarded, including but not limited to water bottles, gel wrappers, energy supplement wrappers, bike parts or clothing, may ONLY be discarded at aid stations.

Run Course

The run loop is FLAT in elevation with only one hill. There will be one aid station on the run loop (at mile 1) offering water and Gatorade.  The route is marked with PINK color duct tape arrows on the ground, signage, and there will be a volunteer at every turn.  Please familiarize yourself with the run course, as it is the athlete’s responsibility to know the course. To view the run course map, click HERE.


Sprint Distance - two loops (3 miles)

Super Sprint Distance - one loop (1.8 miles)


Race Results

The CA Sprint & Super Sprint Triathlon will be publishing LIVE results throughout the race. Use your mobile phone to access your individual results. Simply go to and click on CA Triathlon results. On the results web page, enter your bib number and view your results.


Finish Line and Post Race/Awards

Participants will receive a finisher medal and bottled water at the finish line.


Athletes who earn awards will receive their award at the award ceremony located by the finish line. The following awards will be given to participants who earn 1st – 3rd place (male & female) for the SPRINT race only. There are no awards for the Super Sprint race.

  • Overall Male - Top 3

  • Overall Female - Top 3

  • Overall Non-Binary - Top 3

  • Age Group - Top 3 (male & female) 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89



Having friends and family cheer you on and provide moral support on race day is highly encouraged! Below is information for spectators.


  • Athletes may only receive assistance during the race from official race staff only. This excludes friends, family members, and other spectators. Triathlons are individual tests of fitness. Spectators who help with your bike, fix a flat tire, or hand you food and water is a violation of the rules of multisport racing. Athletes who receive outside assistance are subject to race penalties.

  • Spectators must stay clear of the official race course. At no time may a spectator block or prevent athletes moving forward on the race course.

  • Spectators may not bike alongside athletes on the bike course.

  • Spectators are not allowed in the finish line shoot; however, spectators will be permitted in the post-race area.

  • Race staff reserves the right to remove spectators who are disruptive to fellow spectators and athletes from the race venue.

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