Race Info
Event Cancellation Policy
This event may be delayed or canceled due to adverse, inclement, or unsafe weather. Should the event be delayed, the starting time of the event will be moved back accordingly. The delay will be communicated to all participants. The race management team and local law enforcement has the authority to cancel the event. If cancellation of the event takes place, please follow instructions of the event officials and local law enforcement personnel. Your entry fee is not refundable if an event is canceled due to adverse, inclement, or unsafe weather. The Race Director also reserves the right to modify the course at any time before or during an event by his/her own judgment or if instructed by local law enforcement personnel or park officials.
Race Venue
Halfway Park, 17901 Halfway Blvd, Hagerstown, MD 21740 (Marty Snook)
Schedule Of Events
(subject to change)
Saturday, July 5 at race venue
4:30 PM - 6:15 PM- Athlete Check-In, Bike Racking (youth race) & Registration (adult only)
5:15 PM - Pre-race Course Talk (Youth and Sprint race)*
6:15 PM - All youth athletes to swim start (inside pool area)
6:30 PM - Youth Race Start
*Please consider attending the scheduled Pre-Race Course Talk, which will provide important information about the race, and include a question and answer segment. If you are a first timer– attending a pre-race course talk is recommended!
Sunday, July 6 at race venue
5:15 AM - 6:45 AM - Athlete check In, & transition area opens for bike racking.
6:45 AM - ALL PARTICIPANTS TO SWIM START (inside pool area)
7:00 AM – Race start
9:30 AM- Award Ceremony (subject to change)
Athlete Check-In
Per USAT rules, each participant MUST pick up his/her own packet in person. If you do not check in during the designated check-in times in person, you will not be able to participate in the event. All participants 18 years and older must bring a valid photo I.D. to athlete check in. NO PHOTO ID = NO RACE!!! If you are under 18 without a photo ID, your parent or guardian may show their photo ID.
Athlete Check-In will be at (please attend one of the following):
Saturday, July 5 from 4:30 PM to 6:15 PM at race venue.
Sunday, July 6 from 5:15 AM to 6:45 AM at race venue.
A unique wristband will be given to participants at athlete check-in. Participants must wear this wrist band at all times on race day. This wristband must remain on until you have removed your bike from transition after the race. This band will identify you as an official participant and allows you access to the transition area. You will not be allowed into the transition area without this band in place.
Bib Number
Participants must wear their race bib on the run course at all times. Athletes can either pin their race bib to their shirt or wear it attached to a race belt. Athletes are required to wear their bib on their front side when going in and out of transition and crossing the finish line.
Bike Adhesive Number
At athlete check-in, you will be given an adhesive bike number. Your bike must have an adhesive number on to rack on race morning.

Ankle chip timing chips will be distributed to participants on race day only. Athletes must wear their ankle chip at all times during this event. Should you forget your timing chip or loose it during the race, please let race management know so that we can give you another timing chip.

Race Day Information
There are many parking lots throughout the park. The earlier you arrive the closer you will be to the venue. You can have someone drop you off with your bike at the transition area to claim your transition spot before parking but you must check in first and get your wrist band. PLEASE OBEY ALL PARKING SIGNS AND RACE OFFICIALS.
Race Procedure
If you have not already picked up your race packet, you will pick it up on race morning. You will pick up your timing chip near the Athlete Check-in tents. You must have your running bib number with you in order to pick up your timing chip. We recommend you place your timing chip on your left ankle opposite the chainring side of your bicycle.
Race Age
Participants will compete based on their race age. Your race age for the 2024 season is determined by your age on December 31st, 2025.
Transition Area
You must be wearing the unique athlete wristband to enter the transition area. Your bike number adhesive must be placed on your bike as well. Please be sure to bring along items received at check-in including race numbers (bib & bike adhesive number), as well as your bike, helmet and other personal gear.
Race Bike Racking & Transition Area Protocol
All bikes will be racked on race day only. To enter the transition area, athletes must wear the security wristband received at athlete check-in.
Youth Race - One adult may accompany each triathlete in the transition area prior to the race start. This parent must wear the second wristband given to the athlete in their race packet. Non-racing siblings, pets, strollers and friends are NOT permitted into the transition area at any time. During the race, only participants are permitted in the transition area (no parents or siblings). Transition area volunteers will be available to assist triathletes during the race.
Sprint Race - The transition area is RESTRICTED TO ATHLETES ONLY before, during and after the race.
How To Properly Rack Your Bike: *
Find the sticker number on the transition rack that matches your bib number. Hang the seat of your bike from the transition rack in with your front wheel facing away from your sticker on the rack. Place personal items on the ground next to your front wheel. There are NO balloons, inflatable’s or personal markers permitted. Remember your number and rack location.
*Per USAT rules, all equipment must be placed in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. No person shall interfere with another participant’s equipment or impede the progress of another participant. All bar ends must be solidly plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass containers into the transition area. All personal trash is to be removed and disposed of by each athlete. Please do not litter.

The Races
Ages 7-8: 50 Meter Swim (Pool), 1.5 Mile Bike, .75 Mile Run
Ages 9-10: 100 Meter Swim (Pool), 1.5 Mile Bike, .75 Mile Run
Ages 11-12: 100 Meter Swim (Pool), 3 Mile Bike, 1.5 Mile Run
Ages 13-15: 150 Meter Swim (Pool), 3 Mile Bike, 1.5 Mile Run
300 Meter Swim (Pool), 10 Mile Bike, 3.1 Mile Run
300 Meter Swim (Pool), 10 Mile Bike
Start Times
The Youth Triathlon will begin at 6:30pm on Saturday. This race will use a time trail start (participants will start one person at a time, every 5 seconds). We will start with the oldest age groups and move through to the youngest. This race will use a time trail start (participants will start one person at a time, every 5 seconds).
The Sprint Triathlon & Aquabike will begin at 7:00am on Sunday. This race will use a time trail start (participants will start one person at a time, every 5 seconds). The swim will be self-seed based on your individual 100-yard pool swim time. Fastest swimmers will line up first.
How to determine your 100 yard time
Time yourself swimming one length of a pool at 60% effort. Multiply this time by 4. This is your 100-yard time. Example: Mary swims one length of the pool in 45 seconds. It will take her 180 seconds to complete 4 lengths of the pool. Her 100-yard time is 3 minutes. Please know your time for race morning.
Swim Course
The swim will take place in the 25 meter, 4 ft deep outdoor pool. Triathletes will be staged along the pool deck by age group. All starts will be in-water from the shallow end of the pool. Triathletes will complete a "snake swim" in the pool. Flip turns are not allowed. Triathletes will exit the pool and must walk while on the pool deck until they pass through the pool gate to the transition area.
Youth - Participants will start at lane one and swim down and back in that lane. If swimming a longer distance, participants will duck under the rope and go down and back in lane 2 and so on. To view the swim course map, click HERE.
Sprint& Aquabike - Participants will start at lane one and swim down and back in that lane. Then duck under the rope and go down and back in lane 2. This is repeated for all 6 lanes, completing 12 lengths of the pool (300 meters). To view the swim course map, click HERE.
There are no wetsuits permitted for this race. Non-buoyant skin suits or similar are allowed.
Bike Course
The youth bike course will be on the main park road and is closed to vehicle traffic.To view the bike course map, click HERE.
Ages 10 and under do ONE lap (out and back) = 1.5 miles
Ages 11-15 do TWO laps (out and back twice) = 3 miles
IMPORTANT - Only registered participants are permitted on the bike course. Non registered parents, friends and siblings are not permitted to ride along side of youth participants.
Sprint & Aquabike
The bike course is a 10 mile loop that starts and ends in the park. BIKE COURSE IS NOT CLOSED TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. You must use caution and make your own judgement call when turning at each intersection. Volunteers are at the turns to ensure you know where to turn but will not be controlling traffic. You must obey all traffic laws and use good judgment when on the course. We will mark the turns with signs and plan to have road guards with yellow vests and orange flags at the turns. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DRIVE THE BIKE COURSE to ensure you know where to turn. It is your responsibility to know the course. If a guard is not at his/her post there will be posted signs to follow. Maps and turn-by-turn directions are available on our website. Caution: there is a railroad crossing at mile 9.5. We advise that you come out of your drops when crossing the tracks as it is a bumpy crossing. To view the bike course map, click HERE.
Commonly Violated Bike Rules
No drafting or blocking.
No headphones, iPods, radios. USAT officials will be on the course and penalties will be assessed.
Hard shell helmets must be worn and must be fastened before mounting your bike outside the transition area. Failure to fasten your helmet results in an automatic disqualification.
Stay to the right to allow faster cyclists to pass on the left and obey the yellow line rule. Crossing the yellow line is an automatic disqualification.
IMPORTANT - AQUABIKE Participants will do the same swim and bike course as the triathlon but will not complete the run course. Your time will end when they cross under back into the transition area after completing the bike course. After racking your bike, we invite these participants to walk out of transition through the run-out side of the transition area into the finish chute to receive a finisher medal. Do not walk back through the bike in/out side of transition area with your timing chip. You must go to the finish line to return your chip or you will compromise your finish time.
Run Course
You must wear your race number (bib#) on your front during the run. This is required for accurate timing at the finish line and will aid the photographers in identifying you on the run. If you have no number at the end you may not get a finish time. You will be disqualified if you do not complete the entire course.
The run is an out-and-back course on the paved park pathway. A volunteer will be stationed at each turn around to instruct participants. To view the run course map, click HERE.
The 5K run course is an out and back course on 100% paved surface. The course will navigate the park path and park road. To view the run course map, click HERE.
Commonly Violated Run Rules
No headphones, earphones or any radio-type devices will be allowed.
You must have your run # on your front as you approach the finish line.
Race Results
We will be publishing LIVE results throughout the race. Use your mobile phone and go to www.ripitevents.com/results and click on Hagerstown Triathlon results. On the results web page, enter your bib number or name to view your individual or team results.
Awards ceremony will be held near athlete check-in. Awards will be given to winners of the Youth Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon and Aquabike races in each of the following divisions:
Age Group - Top 3 (M&F): 7 yr, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
(there is no overall youth awards, only age group awards)
Overall Male - Top 3
Overall Female - Top 3
Overall Non-Binary - Top 3
Age Group - Top 3 (male & female) 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+
Overall Male - Top 3
Overall Female - Top 3
Overall Non-Binary - Top 3
There are no age group awards for aquabike.
(click images below)